My Experience with Supporting Those Who Have Lost a Loved One
So, this week I wanted to talk about a very difficult subject that has been weighing heavily on my heart, grief. Recently, it seems like every time I turn around someone is gone, and it is so hard to cope with, but it is a difficult part of life and we need to know how to help those left behind. We don’t always know what to do for someone who has just lost a loved one or even what to say, for that matter. It’s hard to say what they might need from you at the time because they probably don’t even know what that is themselves. It’s impossible to know how someone feels during this time, especially if you haven’t been through it yourself. The important thing is to just let them know that you are there for them for whatever they may need. My nephew, Sam. Last year before Christmas we lost my nephew at 8 years old. My sister lives in another state and it was very hard for me to decide how to be there for her, when I couldn’t physically be there. I ended up sending her some mo...