How to Clean a Room Faster!

Have you ever had a friend or family member call you last minute to say they are coming to visit? We have all been there when that call comes and we look around our house and realize you need to straighten up. Then you are frantically running around trying to clean everything before they get there and while your doing it, you are creating more of a mess. What if I told you a way to get it done faster and still have time to brush your hair before company shows up? Well, keep on reading because I have some tips and tricks to make sure you are using your time in the best way possible. Follow my easy tips, then do what I call the four round cleaning method.

Tip#1- You want to grab a trash bag for trash and a bin for things that don't belong (here is a bin I recommend using).

Tip#2- You also want to make sure you do one room at a time. 

Tip#3- Start on one side of the room and work your way around in a circle.

Tip#4- The key is to only go around the room once for each round. 

Four Round Cleaning

Round one: Start with a trash bag and walk in a circle around the room and pick up the trash.

Round two: Bring around a laundry basket for any dirty laundry you might find.

Round three: Take your bin and grab anything that doesn't belong in that room.

Round four: This is where you can vacuum, dust, mop, or whatever type of cleaning you may need to do.

Repeat for other rooms in your house! I promise you that this method works and you will feel so much better! If you do this every weekend, it will get faster each time. For the bathroom and kitchen it's obviously a little different. You will still clean up all of the trash and then you will wash the dishes or clean the toilet. We don't want our house guests to use a dirty bathroom! While you are doing this in a kids room, you can have a donate bin as well for the things you want to get rid of. You know what they say, "one kids toy is another kids... errr... toy??" No, well maybe it's, "one man's trash is another man's treasure." Yeah, that sounds better. Anyways, let me know if you try my four round cleaning method. I hope you liked it! Stay tuned for more random tidbits!


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